Melissa and I have a saying, “it’s never just about the clothes”. We recently received two client notes that articulate this concept perfectly. Everyday we truly feel honored to help people be their best selves! The following notes are both from mothers, whose daughters we’ve recently worked with:
“Dear Nora and Melissa,
…but most importantly, thank you for helping us “dress up”. It has really been fun for me as a mom to watch my girls grow into women in their fashion choices :)”
“Nora and Melissa,
Just wanted to let you know that the clothes are a huge success. ____ applied for two internships and both of them offered her the job. She was able to pick the internship that best fit with her career goals. One interview was in a more formal setting, while the other one was at a coffee house. She had appropriate interview clothes for both!
She is already looking forward to her spring/summer session with you.
Thanks again!!”