Melissa & I are shocked and humbled by a lovely article about our business in the Cincinnati Business Courier. When we got the opportunity to have a reporter shadow us for a day, never did we think she would capture the essence of everything we believe in so accurately and eloquently. Thanks to Erin for sharing her writing talents with us!
As a kid and a young person, I absolutely always had a “plan”. If it were not for all the adults in my life that let me hatch these plans, try to do things differently, and affirm my passions; I never would have had the ideas or the confidence to start my business in the first place. Some of the highlights are: Sally Jackson indulging my idea to play “Poker for Make-up” and freezing my Cathy nightgown in her deepfreeze. Turtle Moore giving me my first “collection” of clothing from the Limited for my 8th grade graduation. My parents for all saying “Sure-try it, go there, move there… “encouraging any plan I had whether they entirely understood it or not. Martha Simpson for always letting visit her at Caster Knott, teaching me about her job and letting me play with her make-up samples while I babysat. And to my senior class in highschool for being the test subjects when I made the first lip plumper with Vaseline and Cinnamon oil for them for Christmas..”Nora, it tastes good, but it kind of burns.” To Lisa Mahoney for giving me lots of doses of luxury & generosity and not being mad when I taught her two year old to paint her nails herself without my help. And to the Andrew’s who weren’t mad at all when their kids and I got locked out of their house all day b/c we decided to play “natural beauty shop” and wash my hair with the hose while I was babysitting. Be these people for a kid in your life today!

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